The Difference Between Standard and Enhanced DBS Checks: A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to background checks, there are four types of DBS checks that can be requested. Standard and enhanced DBS checks provide the same level of detail, but with some key differences. It's important to understand the differences between these two types of checks for both employers and people seeking employment. A standard DBS check provides information on any convictions, cautions, reprimands, or warnings held on the Police National Computer.

This includes any spent convictions that are eligible to be disclosed. The information provided in a standard check is limited to what is held on the Police National Computer. An enhanced DBS check, however, goes beyond the information provided in a standard check. In addition to the information provided in the standard verification, the enhanced verification includes any relevant information held by police forces or local authorities. This could include information about an individual's character or behaviour that may be relevant to the role they are applying for. Enhanced DBS checks can only be requested for specific functions included in the 1974 ROA (Exceptions Order 197) and in the regulations of the Police Act of 1997. In addition to convictions, cautions, and reprimands, enhanced DBS checks will also show information held by local police forces.

This could include intelligence gathered from local police forces that may not be held on the Police National Computer. Both DBS checks will require the applicant's details, including address details for the past five years, proof of identity, and a national insurance number. Standard disclosure is more common in the financial and legal sectors, while enhanced DBS checks are a prerequisite for many educational and healthcare functions. At the end of the process, a certificate is submitted that includes the information relevant to the DBS check. Companies can be sure that they are fully aware of any serious crime by performing standard and enhanced DBS checks.

The Benefits of Standard and Enhanced DBS Checks

Standard and enhanced DBS checks provide employers with an invaluable tool for ensuring that their employees are suitable for their roles. By performing these checks, employers can be sure that they are hiring individuals who have no criminal record or who have not been involved in any activities that could put their business at risk. For individuals seeking employment, these checks provide an opportunity to demonstrate their suitability for a role.

By providing employers with a comprehensive background check, individuals can show that they have nothing to hide and that they are suitable for a role.


Standard and enhanced DBS checks provide employers with an invaluable tool for ensuring that their employees are suitable for their roles. By providing employers with a comprehensive background check, individuals can show that they have nothing to hide and that they are suitable for a role.