What is the difference between a dbs check and an enhanced?

An improved DBS check shows details similar to those of a standard DBS check, but will contain more information, which may be necessary for some roles. In addition to convictions, auctions and admonitions, an advanced DBS check will also show information held by local police forces. Standard DBS checks can only be requested if you're applying for a job that requires them. The government makes a list of the types of jobs that require checks, and it's illegal for an employer to ask you for information if the job doesn't require it.

A standard DBS check is more detailed than the basic one, as it will analyze both exhausted and unprocessed convictions. Since most people who request standard information are working in the judicial system, financial services or other positions of responsibility, a long history from years ago may still be relevant. When preparing the certificate, the police go through a filtering process to analyze the person's criminal record and evaluate the type of information based on the role they will play. Improved DBS verification shows executed and unexecuted convictions, as well as any relevant information held by local police.

It can only be requested for specific functions that are included in the ROA of 1974 (Exceptions Order 197) and in the regulations of the Police Act of 1997. The DBS (Disclosure and Prohibition Service) check is an official criminal background check that indicates a person's criminal convictions, which is carried out once a request is received from an individual or an employer. Improved DBS checks provide the same level of detail as standard disclosures, but with some important differences. It'll save you from having to reapply for a new check every time an employer asks for it, and it'll always be ready and up to date for you or any employer check it out. At the end of the process, a certificate is issued that includes information relevant to DBS verification.

Requesting the wrong type of check for your employees is a waste of time and money, as it is inevitable that they will reject it, or you will break the law if you don't request the required DBS check. When you apply for a position that involves some type of security issue, you'll likely be asked to perform a DBS check. Standard disclosure is more common in the financial and legal sectors, while improved DBS checks are prerequisites for many educational and care positions medical. You may know the DBS check (which stands for Disclosure and Prohibition Service) as its former name, the CRB (Criminal Office Service) check.

However, construction and hospitality functions that involve regular contact with children under 18 or vulnerable adults would require an improved DBS check, as we'll see shortly.