What is a enhanced dbs check?

An improved DBS check will include certain information about you that appears in local police records, if the police deem it relevant. This is known as “approved information”. They may also call it “non-damning information” or “police intelligence.” The enhanced DBS test is suitable for people who work with children or adults under certain circumstances, such as those receiving medical care or personal care. Improved DBS control is also suitable for a small number of functions, such as applying for taxi licenses or people who work at the Gambling Commission.

The improved criminal record check is the most comprehensive criminal background check. The basic DBS check only looks for unprocessed convictions. Standard DBS verification looks for complied and expired convictions, warnings, and admonitions. The details of the improved DBS check search are listed above.

In addition, verification of the list of prohibited tasks is often requested for jobs that are regulated activities, that is, that involve working directly with children and vulnerable adults. A criminal background check is a criminal background check that is performed on a person, usually before they assume a new charge. The last reason, ensuring the safety of others, is the primary reason for carrying out an improved DBS check. Let's start at the beginning: a DBS (Disclosure and Prohibition Service) check is a police check that allows employers to check if you have a criminal record.

Enhanced DBS verification with prohibition lists is also suitable for people who work with children or adults under certain circumstances, such as those receiving medical care or personal care. There are four types of DBS verification, and each of them results in the issuance of a DBS certificate to an individual. Taxi drivers are another group that is often asked to perform an improved DBS check, as they can sometimes work alone in direct contact with vulnerable people. Enhanced disclosure involves checking a person's criminal record and seeing if they appear on the list of prohibited children or adults.

Some industries, such as education, health and social care, immigration services, government, and finance, require mandatory standard or enhanced DBS verification. For those applying for jobs where improved DBS is required, it's natural that they want to know what could come up. The enhanced DBS check is the highest-level check available and reveals more about a person's criminal record than the other two checks, basic and standard. But what do DBS tests take into account and why are they so important? Read on to find out what's and isn't on your DBS certificate.